So, this post is back-dated, meaning I forgot I took these photos back in May 2010. Anyway, Carey (my brother and boss when it comes to wedding photos) knew I could take a photo but from what I can tell felt I was pretty sloppy when it came to actually creating a shot, and directing my subject. On this Saturday he tasked me to find a model and do a shoot using his gear and him as the assistant for a change. I realized after the shoot I was terrible with people and great with the camera, using the light went exactly as expected throughout the day but, I was incredibly awkward. Working with my brother has always been a bit of a struggle for me as he’s always been an outgoing and confident guy. Myself, I’m a strange guy, with a foul and dark sense of humor, and baby rape jokes just aren’t palletable with everyone. I’m sure I was making Jess uncomfortable all day, and my shots read that, so in short, this was a learning experience. Know you audience. The end result however, I still got good shots but, we spent all day doing what would now take an […]
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The challenge: make division 4 soccer look exciting. It certainly helped that Carey’s team took a terrible beating. Unfortunately, I missed most of the low bows and angry expressions that came from that later in the game. Anyway, here are some shots of my brother and his soccer team getting destroyed as best as I could capture on my first try. I think I’m going to give this a little more practice in the future as I felt I missed a lot of moments. I really should have been concentrating on the players eyes rather than the ball, lesson learned.                                               Jesse
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Carey, a photo friend Peter Carroll and I had a fun photo shoot at a new Whyte Avenue salon The Beauty Parlor on Monday. The place is sitting right on top of a Vespa shop(Top Gear Scooters) and a coffee bar(Luzzara Coffee Bar) so it was already kewl before we walked in. It at first felt like casual gig since I know the owner/operator Desiree Liley, I was employed as a bartender owned by her husband at the bar down the street for about a year and a half (Wunderbar). For some reason this actually made me awkward because I’m used to being in bar more around Dez… this where I subcontiously act goofy, speak with a drowel and refer to dollars as bones (I actually did when she was signing the check, cripes). So I lost some professionalism points being sober but acting half cut like I’m used to. With becoming a photographer is a lot more to learn than style, composition, camera technical, lighting design… I fell a little short on the business end. With all that being said the pictures still rocked and my awesomeness did help carry us through 🙂 har har. My insecurites from last […]
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I’m only now learing to shoot with stuido lights… I’m begining to get the hang of it. It seems like they could be extremely useful.                
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