I’v been a big fan of this guy for quite some time. These photos are from an installment of ‘Felt Up’, it’s a series that Simon has been working on for a while. From what I understand, Simon records his friends and acquaintances on his iPhone describing embarrassing stories where afterward, he storyboards and plays the stories out with puppets. They’re fantastic reenactments, and you should check them out here Simon Glassman’s Felt Up. Actually while I’m at it, I might as well take this opportunity for some shameless self promotion, listen to our podcast interview on Robocop Vs the Nazis Simon Glassman talks about ‘Felt Up’ | Robocop Vs the Nazis
PUPPETS! Simon Glassman’s ‘Felt Up’

Alright so, I tried out my cheap ebay speedlights and triggers for the first
Without the possession of a camera for about 6 months I had been getting a bit
This project was shot in February 2019 as part of an internal sales promotion
These are just a few shots I took around the pub last spring.<a
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